Tuesday, February 01, 2005

AAUW Asks You to Tell the President No on Privatizing Social Security

From the American Association of University Women...."Tell the President not to Privatize Social Security".... Take Action!

"When President Bush delivers his State of the Union address on February second he is expected to highlight his plan to privatize Social Security. The president says there is an imminent crisis in funding for Social Security.

Don't be fooled. The president’s proposal is a benefit cut in disguise, and Social Security privatization weakens the program, making its financial problems worse – not better. The president’s proposal is the crisis; privatizing balloons an already huge deficit and increases the debt future generations will have to pay by trillions of dollars.

Speak-out against privatizing Social Security by sending a message to your members of Congress, and sending a letter to the editor of your local paper. Letters will be most effective if you send them immediately, so they coincide with press coverage of the State of the Union Address.

AAUW's website already has the e-mail addresses for your members of Congress, and your local newspapers. Send a message now by clicking on the words "Take Action" above, or copy and paste this link into your web browser's address bar: http://capwiz.com/aauw/mail/oneclick_compose/?alertid=6892056"

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